It’s summer! And we all know what that means – fetes, fundraisers, BBQs and lots and lots of food! But whether it’s cakes at fetes or burgers at BBQs and whether you’re selling food or just feeding the masses, you need to make sure that you’re complying with health and safety regulations. It all sounds rather scary and there’s a lot to remember so here are our top 10 things to remember when you’re preparing and serving food at fetes, BBQs and other events.
1. Prepare, chop and store any raw foods well away from cooked foods. This applies especially to raw meat and fish, which should also always be stored covered, on the bottom shelf of the fridge.
2. NEVER wash your chicken! Although you may remember being told to wash your chicken in times long passed, we’ve since found out it’s something you should never do. When the water from your tap hits the flesh of the chicken, it bounces, taking any bacteria from the chicken and spreading them to wherever the water lands.
3. Always keep chilled foods chilled, frozen foods frozen and hot foods hot! Use a fridge thermometer to make sure that your fridge stays between 0-5°C and a food thermometer to make sure that hot food is kept above 63°C whilst waiting to be served. Bacteria struggles to survive at these temperatures!
4. Check that cooked food is piping hot before serving.
5. Ensure frozen food has been thoroughly defrosted before cooking, unless packet instructions state otherwise.
6. Always make sure your hands and fingernails are clean by washing them after touching anything that could cause possible contamination – this could be anything from using the toilet to handling money or using the telephone.
7. Make sure long hair is tied back and that any rings and watches and rings have been removed from your hands – these can harbour bacteria!
8. Keep your kitchen / food preparation area clean. Wash any surfaces and utensils between using them for raw foods and cooked foods, and keep any animals well away!
9. Check ‘use-by’ dates – don’t use food that has exceeded the recommended time period.
10. Never present or describe food in a way that might mislead the consumer – think carefully about ingredients and allergies and make sure that foods containing items such as nuts are clearly labelled or that someone is on hand to explain.
So there you have it. Just follow our top 10 tips to stay safe and clean in the kitchen, and you’ll be well on your way to having a fantastic summer fete season! Enjoy!