If you have an emergency and you are unable to reach our out-of-hours contacts using the numbers left on our answerphone message, you may need to contact your insurer directly.

Please only use the following contact details to report a new claim and for emergency advice.  You should not call your insurer for an update on an existing claim.

Insurer Contact
Abacus 03333211445

Home: 0345 122 3019
Motor: 0345 122 3018

Allianz 0344 893 9545
Ansvar 01323 737 541
0345 606 0431 (Out of hours)
Arc Legal 0344 770 9000
Arthur J Gallagher 0345 300 4006
Aviva Motor – 0345 030 6925
Home – 0345 030 6945
Commercial Property – 0800 015 1498
AXA 0345 600 2716
Bircroft 020 7397 0670
Congregational 01274 700 700
Ecclesiastical H0345 603 8381
First Underwriting 0330 124 5164
Hiscox 0800 247 1902
Jensten 0800 918 0168
Markel 0345 355 2227
PRM (via Pen Underwriting)  0161 529 1400
Q Underwriting (via Artsure) 0800 015 1498
QBE Commercial Property: 0800 085 3187
Motor: 0808 100 8181
Towergate (via Artsure) 0333 005 2665
Victor (via Axa) 0330 094 7089
Virtue 0345 600 7407
Zurich 0800 923 4200